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Christmas in Brisbane, Australia.

A few years ago I enjoyed Christmas in the tropical state of Queensland, specifically in the city of Brisbane, where my good friends Andrew and James live, the parents of the three beauties of which I am their mommy number one, Odi, Otto and Red. I already told you about them in my post about […]

Back to my beloved Sydney

Here I am again, in my wonderful Sydney, in my grand bay, in my comfortable and bright home of Helene’s, in front of that window I sit and write, in my place in the world, the place where I feel at home. But it is not all joy, Australia is burning and that saddens the […]

The Great Barrier of Reef that stole my heart.

I couldn’t decide about my next Australian destination. When I met Karen, whom I told you about on another post, she told me her experience in the Whitsundays & that helped me make up my mind! I had never been that close to the Great Barrier of Reef & wanted to see the biggest reef […]

Queensland. The Sunshine Coast & the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary.

Brisbane is in the Moreton Bay protected by an island of the same name but if you drive north, you’ll find the wild beaches of the Sunshine Coast. There we headed to with our vizslas, to walk & play on Peregian beach, virgin, wild, & with big waves, definitely stunning. We saw giant jellyfish, although the ones we really […]

Brisbane, the tropical Australia.

Here I am, still in my beloved Australia. This time in Brisbane, an hour on a plane north of Sydney where I arrived in a very hot summer day. My friend James came to give  me a hug while I was disembarking before leaving to catch his flight & Andrew picked me up at arrivals, it was so […]

A road trip into the Aussie bush.

It was raining, Helene and I decided to take the car & go on a road trip. We headed towards Peats Bridge, where we stopped to buy some local fruit and veggies. On the side of road there was an “honesty box”, I had never seen one before, then I heard they also have them […]

Beaches, harbours & gardens in Sydney.

It’s summer in Sydney, enjoying its beaches is mandatory. The Tasman Sea bathes the Sydney bay. One of its northern beaches is Balmoral Beach, the first one I visited. I decided to go by bus. I took the B1 from Milson Point station to Mosman, which was only two more stops away to Balmoral. It is a family beach, […]

The Blue Mountains. Australia.

My plan for today is hiking the beautiful Blue Mountains. I have decided to take the train, it’s more romantic & also a lower-cost option. This is how another wonderful day in Sydney was starting. Equipped with my hat, comfy clothing & shoes, a rucksack with plenty of water & some snacks, I headed off […]

May Gibbs home in Sydney.

This morning I woke up with the idea of going to the beach. I got distracted talking to Helene, the charming host of the house in Sydney where I was living. Our topic of conversation was books, surprised, right? Now you can understand why I spent the morning with her. She told me about May Gibbs, a writer […]

Sydney’s Free Tours & its charming Botanical Gardens

Every day at 10:30, next to the Town Hall, we can find a group of young people who offer Free Tours that last for three hours and finish in the The Rocks area. I totally recommend them as the guides are very nice & knowledgeable, they tell you many interesting things about the city. They […]

Mis viajes alrededor del mundo siempre acompañados de un buen libro. My travels around the world always accompanied by a good book.