Bernining in Repubblica, Quirinale & Popolo. Rome.

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One of my Roman routines is going to yoga; thanks to a friend I found a very pretty studio called Ryoga very close to Piazza Repubblica. The metro stop is right underneath, the first time I exit it I don’t only find myself into a magnificent semicircular square, but facing the exuberant Fontana delle Naiadi right in front of Via Nazionale, the great avenue that connects with Piazza Venezia.

& also in front of the basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri. It only seems to be a small & simple chapel, but when I get in I find “another” splendid church that leaves me speechless. It’s part of a bigger complex I will tell you about another day.

Heading to the yoga studio, I pass near one of the main fountains of the city.  Fontana del Mosè is under repairs but emanating magnificence through every pore.

In front of it I see the baroque church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, which closes at twelve, so I have time for a quick stop to admire its “floating angels” & the “Ecstasy of Saint Teresa” by Bernini that leaves me astonished. If you’ve seen the movie “Angels & demons” it holds the scene with the cardinal & the fire symbol.

I don’t want to be late, so I go on my way in Via Venti Settembre, full of ministries & embassies.

I tell myself that when I finish the class I will choose a random way to see where it takes me, first I walk around the neighbourhood, full of beautiful buildings.

I reach Piazza Barberini in which center lives the fabulous Fontana di Tritone, by my beloved Bernini. A grand avenue opens in front.

I take it until I turn left into Via Quirinale that takes me to these four Renaissance fountains, Quattro Fontane, which represent river Arno, river Tiber, Juno & Diana. Each is in the corner of four buildings that converge right there. What creations! Rome never leaves me impassible.

From there I reach one of the seven hills, Quirinale & its palazzo,  where the President of the Republic also happens to live. Bernini’s mark is also in it. 

What a great eye to choose a location! Another lookout opens before me to admire the Eternal City.

In the center there’s one of the thirteen obelisks that decorate some piazzas, some were brought directly from Egypt. In the times of Scipione & Trajan they worshipped the gods Castor & Pollux; they are the ones adorning the base of the obelisk.

I went down the hill until arriving to Via Gregoriana. I’d heard of a palazzo that was in that street, I pay attention as I don’t want to miss it, & yes, there it is, the Palazzo Zuccari, its door & windows have frames in the shape of faces with open mouths, the architect didn’t want to go unnoticed.

A few steps away I see Trinitá dei Monti, yes the same one on the “Roman vacation” postcards, another classic movie I adore.

There’s also another wonderful lookout at the top of the Spanish Steps that lead to the popular & busy Piazza Spagna.

It takes the name from the Spanish Embassy, that has also picked a great location.

The steps take me to Via Condotti, one of the popular streets in Rome for its high end shopping.

It converges with Via dei Corso, ideal for a more affordable shopping.

On my social media I told you about many churches, there are in every street & corner, I invite you to visit them if you have time, if not at least the most important ones. The grand basilica I see when entering Via dei Corso is San Ambrosio e Carlo al Corso. Enormous & spectacular.

This street is pedestrian & very lively, it leads me south to Piazza dei Popolo, or “of the people”. One of the squares I had to see. It houses two twin churches & the second oldest obelisk in Rome, it’s Egyptian & used to be placed in the centre of the Circo Massimo in its days of splendour.

The important Santa Maria del Popolo, also protagonist of “Angels & demons” & home of two Caravaggio’s & a Bernini, which completed the visit of the piazza.

I see some steps next to the grand gate designed by Bernini, I go up, they take me to Pincio’s Terrace, what a surprise! Another fabulous lookout that has as its central theme the neoclassical piazza.

This terrace leads to a park with a surprise that I will tell you about another day. I head down, cross the beautiful Porta dei Popolo & from Flaminio metro stop I go home whilst reading the last book of the Trajan trilogy “The lost legion “ by Santiago Posteguillo. We continue with a very entertaining & agile story that I don’t want it to finish. Posteguillo tells the historical part as well as the novel one with a dynamism & realism that makes me enjoy it very much. If you like historical novels this is an author you must include on your list. In this last book we read about Trajan’s dream & its denouement that I leave here for you to enjoy nomads.

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Mis viajes alrededor del mundo siempre acompañados de un buen libro. My travels around the world always accompanied by a good book.