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Christmas in Brisbane, Australia.

A few years ago I enjoyed Christmas in the tropical state of Queensland, specifically in the city of Brisbane, where my good friends Andrew and James live, the parents of the three beauties of which I am their mommy number one, Odi, Otto and Red. I already told you about them in my post about […]

Road trip from Sydney to Brisbane.

Helene & I head to Brisbane from Sydney, we’ll spend Christmas there, she with her family & I with my adopted Aussie family. The ride takes around ten hours so we decide to break it & stay half way. We leave early in the morning, the air smells of burnt, the smoke has reappeared, on […]

A road trip into the Aussie bush.

It was raining, Helene and I decided to take the car & go on a road trip. We headed towards Peats Bridge, where we stopped to buy some local fruit and veggies. On the side of road there was an “honesty box”, I had never seen one before, then I heard they also have them […]

The Blue Mountains. Australia.

My plan for today is hiking the beautiful Blue Mountains. I have decided to take the train, it’s more romantic & also a lower-cost option. This is how another wonderful day in Sydney was starting. Equipped with my hat, comfy clothing & shoes, a rucksack with plenty of water & some snacks, I headed off […]

May Gibbs home in Sydney.

This morning I woke up with the idea of going to the beach. I got distracted talking to Helene, the charming host of the house in Sydney where I was living. Our topic of conversation was books, surprised, right? Now you can understand why I spent the morning with her. She told me about May Gibbs, a writer […]

Mis viajes alrededor del mundo siempre acompañados de un buen libro. My travels around the world always accompanied by a good book.