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A road trip into the Aussie bush.

It was raining, Helene and I decided to take the car & go on a road trip. We headed towards Peats Bridge, where we stopped to buy some local fruit and veggies. On the side of road there was an “honesty box”, I had never seen one before, then I heard they also have them […]

Sydney’s Free Tours & its charming Botanical Gardens

Every day at 10:30, next to the Town Hall, we can find a group of young people who offer Free Tours that last for three hours and finish in the The Rocks area. I totally recommend them as the guides are very nice & knowledgeable, they tell you many interesting things about the city. They […]

Mis viajes alrededor del mundo siempre acompañados de un buen libro. My travels around the world always accompanied by a good book.