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A day in Santiago de Chile.

It had been 19 years since I had set foot in Santiago, I came once to celebrate my birthday with my friend Pilar, and it was time to go back. After enriching myself with my visit to the north we finally met, and as if it were yesterday, we didn’t stop talking for more than […]

Atacama Desert part 3. Chile

Hello again, let’s continue with the tours around Atacama that I am enjoying so much. The places and guides are wonderful and my travel companions fantastic, they recommend the night one, I do not know very well what I will see there, but they speak wonders of it, so after the first tour I book […]

Atacama Desert part 2. Chile.

Today I get up early, I have some tours planned and I am very excited. I have breakfast and prepare my backpack with water, put on sunscreen, hiking boots, warm clothes, sunglasses and my inseparable hat. They are all essentials, Atacama extends for 105,000 km and is the driest place on earth so it is […]

San Pedro of Atacama. Chile.

I haven’t set foot in Chile for 19 years, I’ve arrived in Santiago and I’m waiting for my flight with Latam to Calama. I am so excited. Two hours of surfing oceans of air over the Andes. How beautiful it is, today a window seat is worth it to admire the mountain range where the […]

Mis viajes alrededor del mundo siempre acompañados de un buen libro. My travels around the world always accompanied by a good book.